Monday, May 2, 2011

Motivated By Purpose

Making money for the sake of making money is something I don’t do naturally. Growing up well provided for has made me hunger for things beyond the material: having meaningful relationships, enjoying art and music, and striving for spiritual significance. So much so, I actually dislike making money for money’s sake.

But we need money. We need to learn how to steward the resources that we have been given and grow more.

In The Parable of the Bags of Gold, we see the importance of doubling the resources that have been given to us. But to what end?

Making money for money’s sake does not motivate me.

So, as a Christian, am I doomed?

No, I am not. I have a passion – to minister to hurting and burnt out ministers, to help the poor and needy, to bring the message of hope to those with no hope. So, I can center my activities for doubling bags of gold around my passion for ministry.

I can make this my money-making slogan:

"I make money in order to fund ministries I care about. The more I make, the more I can fund." - The Bearded Ultraman

Now that will keep me motivated!

What about you? What motivates you to make money?